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HomeODOT 25 Year Plan

ODOT 25 year plan

Bike and Pedestrian plan

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ODOT is dedicated to supporting a safe and effective transportation system that provides multimodal opportunities for active transportation. Consisting of multi-use trails, bicycle routes, and sidewalks, an active transportation system provides for and promotes health and safety for users and benefits the environment and the economy. 
Offering access to multiple modes of transportation makes Oklahoma a better place to live and visit. Bicycle and pedestrian accommodations are supported by federal and state legislation, policies, and practices. ODOT ensures that all state and federally funded transportation projects are constructed in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

Most of the multi-use trails, bicycle routes, and sidewalks in Oklahoma are owned and maintained by partners of ODOT, including county and city governments. ODOT coordinates with local governments and applicable MPOs in considering infrastructure options; and it facilitates the inclusion of these features in projects when appropriate. It is estimated that in 2018 Oklahoma had approximately 520 miles of bicycle trails, multi- use bicycle and pedestrian trails, and/or designated bicycle lanes, based on information from ODOT Enhancement/ TAP grants, MPOs, and local governments. The following policies and strategies listed in Table 10-6 will help promote active transportation systems throughout Oklahoma. 

Table 10-6. Active Transportation Policies and Strategies 

Support bicycle and pedestrian modal choices and promote healthy affordable modes of transportation. (Existing Policy) 

• Continue to pursue opportunities to bring state highways in small communities into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. (Existing) 
• Incorporate bicycle facility design standards into the next version of the ODOT Roadway Design Manual. (Existing) 
• Develop a statewide bicycle plan that emphasizes safety and builds and expands upon the work of MPOs. (Existing) 

Improve modal choices and safety by incorporating pedestrian and bicyclist facilities in accordance with approved design standards. (Existing Policy)

• Continue to provide pedestrian signals, warning beacons, signage, striping, and lighting at intersections Of state routes with high-volume pedestrian crossings.  (Existing) 
• Support inclusion Of bicycle and pedestrian facilities into new and renovated intermodal facilities and connection points, such as train depots and bus terminals. (Existing) 
• Support efforts by local governments, public transit providers, passenger rail systems, and others to expand and improve bicycle ways and walkway connections. (Existing) 
• Leverage local funding contributions and encourage bicycle and pedestrian improvements by private developers. (New) 
• Assess and respond to needs for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure on or adjacent to State highways concurrent with related highway improvements, and as a part of the project development process. (Existing) 
• Inform bicycle/pedestrian community about coordinating with the state's bicycle and pedestrian coordinator and about the public involvement process. (Existing) 
• Improve curb access and parking options for all active transportation users. (New) 

Promote and support public information outreach and education regarding safe and accessible transportation routes for bicyclists and pedestrians. (Existing Policy) 

• Continue to educate communities about sidewalk and trail requirements associated with the Americans with Disabilities Act. (Existing) 
• promote statewide and local-area education programs to make transportation users aware Of pedestrian and bicyclist rights and responsibilities. (Existing) 
• Support efforts by health departments, educational facilities, and public safety agencies to provide bicycle and pedestrian safety lessons/workshops. (Existing) 
• Encourage local communities that are planning or constructing new facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists to seek technical support from the state's bicycle and pedestrian coordinator. (Existing) 
• Promote access to active transportation options statewide. (New Policy) 
• Support efforts to expand access to active transportation (Lime, Bird, etc.) options in urban and rural areas. (New) 

Bike Summit
Click here for info on
getting your
"Share the Road"
car tag.

Bikes on Trains 
Rails to Trails

2019 State Report Card 

2019 City

Ok Center for