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 Older Legislation



New Traffic Laws - Effective Nov. 1, 2019

Proceed through Red Light when Safe 
Safe Passing of a Cyclist when Traveling in the Same Direction 

Electric Assist Bicycle (E-Bike) 

Click HERE for details

Idaho Stop Statute

49-720.  STOPPING -- TURN AND STOP SIGNALS. (1) A person operating a bicycle or human-powered vehicle approaching a stop sign shall slow down and, if required for safety, stop before entering the intersection. After slowing to a reasonable speed or stopping, the person shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching on another highway so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time the person is moving across or within the intersection or junction of highways, except that a person after slowing to a reasonable speed and yielding the right-of-way if required, may cautiously make a turn or proceed through the intersection without stopping.
(2)  A person operating a bicycle or human-powered vehicle approaching a steady red traffic control light shall stop before entering the intersection and shall yield to all other traffic. Once the person has yielded, he may proceed through the steady red light with caution. Provided however, that a person after slowing to a reasonable speed and yielding the right-of-way if required, may cautiously make a right-hand turn. A left-hand turn onto a one-way highway may be made on a red light after stopping and yielding to other traffic.
(3)  A person riding a bicycle shall comply with the provisions of section 49-643, Idaho Code.
(4)  A signal of intention to turn right or left shall be given during not less than the last one hundred (100) feet traveled by the bicycle before turning, provided that a signal by hand and arm need not be given if the hand is needed in the control or operation of the bicycle.


HB1077, Unbundling of Passenger Rail Services and Status Report Act, in Jeopardy

After being passed by the Senate's Transportation Committee, HB1077 was erroneously assigned to the Appropriations Committee as it was reported to have fiscal impact to the state.  According to Evan Stair of Passenger Rail Oklahoma this is incorrect, the Act would have no fiscal impact.  In fact it would make rail service less expensive by allowing other non-Amtrak rail corporations the ability to supply equipment and inboard services at a cheaper rate forcing Amtrak to be more competitive.  At the moment Amtrak is requesting  additional funding from Oklahoma at a time when there is a $611 million deficit.  It is doubtful the state legislature will support this request. No increase in funding means  no Heartland Flyer and ultimately no Eastern Flyer.  Contact info for Chair Senator Clark Jolley is 405-521-5622 or

   Proposed Anti-Texting Legislation in 2015 Session

HB1965: Introduced by Rep. O'Donnell, sponsor of this past fall's Interim Study on Texting, this is a fairly encompassing bill. Use of cell phones or other handheld electric devices for texting or emailing by operators in moving motor vehicles, commercial motor vehicles, or public transit.  It allows for billing records or testimony from the message recipient to to be admissible in court.  It also can be enforced as the primary violation for commercial drivers or operators of public transit. It would be a secondary violation (need another violation to stop vehicle) for non-commercial drivers.  Fine is $250. (Referred to House Criminal Justice and Corrections)

HB1136: Amends current law regarding cell phone use by Commercial and Public Transit Drivers to include all operators of motor vehicles.  Law prohibits writing, reading or sending a text-based communication. Fine is $500  (Referred to House Public Safety Committee)

HB1009: Makes it unlawful for a driver to use a cell phone or electronic device to write, send, or read a text-based communication.  Fine plus court cost can't exceed $500.  (Referred to the House Public Safety Committee)

SB43: Unlawful to use handheld device for sending text, photos or other forms of communication(not talking) while the vehicle is in motion. Fine is $20 including court cost. No points would be added against the traffic record. (Referred to Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB67: A more comprehensive proposal that includes use of hand held devices for verbal, email, or text by the motor vehicle operator would be unlawful. Penalty shall not exceed a misdemeanor, but its considered a secondary offense. In this case it means, one can not be cited for the offense unless he is involved in an accident or had displayed endangerment to other people. (Referred to Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB183: Primarily relates to holders of Commercial Driver's License. It ups the seriousness of the offense and includes hand held cell phone use except for emergency purposes. (Referred to Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB304: Makes it unlawful for motor vehicle operator to use cell phone or other electronic device to write, read, or send text messages. Some emergency exceptions. Fine is no less than $100. (Referred to Senate Public Safety Committee)

SB748: Prohibits use of any wireless device in a school zone by driver unless device is hands free and the vehicle is stopped. Prohibition is in effect when reduced speed is in effect. Fine is no more than $250. With an accident, the fine is no more than $500.(Referred to Senate Public Safety Committee)
 HB1077 Text - An Act Relating to Railroads  

1st Session of the 55th Legislature (2015)
HOUSE BILL 1077 By: Morrissette


An Act relating to railroads; requiring certain
reports by the Department of Transportation and the
Interstate Midwest Regional Passenger Rail Compact;
specifying content of reports; requiring delivery of
reports to certain officials; requiring periodic
updating of reports; requiring certain requests for
proposals; facilitating unbundling of present
passenger rail service contracts; providing for
codification; providing an effective date; and
declaring an emergency.

SECTION 1. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 324.1 of Title 66, unless there
is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:

A. The Department of Transportation shall produce an Oklahoma
Tourism and Passenger Rail Act Investment Report.

B. The report shall be submitted to the President Pro Tempore
of the State Senate; the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
the Senate Transportation Committee Chairman; the House of
Representatives Transportation Committee Chairman; and the mayors
and city councils of Tulsa, Sapulpa, Bristow, Stroud, Chandler,
Jones, Edmond, Oklahoma City, Norman, Purcell, Pauls Valley and
Ardmore, Oklahoma by December 1, 2015.

C. The report shall thereafter be updated annually and released
on July 1 of each year beginning July 1, 2016.

D. The report shall include:

1. Department of Transportation activity between the dates of
July 1, 1996, and October 1, 2015, to fulfill obligations of Section
322 of Title 66 of the Oklahoma Statutes and specifically to restore
passenger rail service linking stations in Oklahoma and Tulsa
Counties with other primary points in the national railroad
passenger system;

2. Itemized transaction statements for the Oklahoma Tourism and
Passenger Rail Revolving Fund for activity between July 1, 1996, and
October 1, 2015;

3. In conjunction with the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, a
summary of economic activity in the communities of Oklahoma City,
Norman, Purcell, Pauls Valley and Ardmore, Oklahoma associated with
the Texas Transportation Institute Study, "Measuring the Benefits of
Intercity Passenger Rail Service: A Study of the Heartland Flyer
Corridor", dated March 2010, as commissioned by the Department of

4. Historical ridership statistics, by station, by month, for
the Heartland Flyer passenger rail service provided by the National
Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) for Guthrie, Oklahoma City,
Norman, Purcell, Pauls Valley and Ardmore, Oklahoma; and for
Gainesville, Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas, between June 14, 1999,
and October 1, 2015; and

5. A summary of activities and achievements of the Interstate
Midwest Regional Passenger Rail Compact from April 7, 1999, to July
1, 2015, pursuant to activities required in Sections 327 through 334
of Title 66 of the Oklahoma Statutes.

SECTION 2. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 328.1 of Title 66, unless there
is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:

A. The Commission created pursuant to Section 327 of Title 66
of the Oklahoma Statutes shall:

1. Develop and issue requests for proposal due August 1, 2015,
in conjunction with the Commission and Commission partners
identified in Section 326 of Title 66 of the Oklahoma Statutes, the
"Interstate Midwest Regional Passenger Rail Compact", and in
accordance with Sections 327 through 334 of Title 66 of the Oklahoma

2. Facilitate activities within the Commission to unbundle the
present passenger rail service contract for the Heartland Flyer.
Specific and separate requests for proposal shall be issued for, but
not limited to:

a. diesel electric or alternatively powered locomotives,
b. rolling stock and other equipment rentals,
c. equipment servicing,
d. fuel suppliers, including alternative fuels,
e. commissary providers,
f. staffing,
g. marketing,
h. reservation agents, and
i. other provisions as deemed appropriate;
3. Seek partners to reduce cost;
4. Seek partners to increase onboard service quality; and
5. Seek, with regard to Interstate Midwest Regional Passenger
Rail Compact, in-state providers when available.

B. The Department of Transportation and Oklahoma
representatives of the Interstate Midwest Regional Passenger Rail
Compact Commission shall produce an annual Oklahoma Tourism and
Passenger Rail Act Improvement Report.

1. The first report shall be provided to the President Pro
Tempore of the Senate; the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
the Senate Transportation Committee Chairman; the House of
Representatives Transportation Committee Chairman; and the mayors
and city councils of Tulsa, Sapulpa, Bristow, Stroud, Chandler,
Jones, Edmond, Oklahoma City, Norman, Purcell, Pauls Valley and
Ardmore, Oklahoma by December 1, 2015.

2. The December 1, 2015, report shall include:

a. the results of the request for proposal process,
b. a proposed service-expansion cost-efficiency metric
and improvement objective expressed in terms of
passenger miles per appropriated dollar,
c. a proposed service-frequency cost-efficiency metric
and improvement objective expressed in terms of
passenger miles per appropriated dollar,
d. an economic impact statement and improvement objective
expressed in terms of related community spending per
appropriated dollar, and
e. proposals for the development of public-private

3. The report shall be updated annually through production of
an appendix.

4. The appendix shall be released on July 1, 2016, and each
subsequent July 1 thereafter.

SECTION 3. This act shall become effective July 1, 2015.

SECTION 4. It being immediately necessary for the preservation
of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby
declared to exist, by reason whereof this act shall take effect and
be in full force from and after its passage and approval.


Oklahoma City Ordinance Section 479 of Article XIV Regarding Bicycle riding in roadways, bicycle routes, bicycle lanes and bicycle paths  


Proposed additions are in bold, (d) and (e)


(c) When riding on roadways with designated bicycle lanes, the bicycle operator shall ride within the vehicle lane, except when:

         (1) Overtaking or passing another bicycle, vehicle or pedestrian within the lane or about to enter the lane if such overtaking and passing cannot be done safely within the lane;

         (2)  preparing for a turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway;

         (3)  necessary to leave the bicycle lane to avoid debris, or other hazardous conditions.

(d) No person operating a bicycle shall pass other vehicles between lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction.

(e) A person operating a bicycle shall at all times exercise due care by leaving a safe distance of not less than three feet between the bicycle and a motor vehicle which is in operation at the time.   

Update - This bill along with the other proposed distracted driving bills will not be considered in this year's legislative session.  Another year without action on a very serious issue for all of us - cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists. 

SB1601 - Outlawing texting or use of cell phone in a school zone. Earlier this year we asked our OBC members to communicate their support to our legislature on bills, HB2540 or SB442, addressing distracted driving/texting concerns.  Unfortunately neither were considered on the full floor this session.  SB1601, a more conservative distracted driving bill, was passed by the Senate, but has not yet cleared the House’s Public Safety Committee.  The bill outlaws the use of a cell phone in a school zone during the time when the speed limit is reduced.  It obviously does not provide universal coverage against distracted driving, but it would be a start. Consider contacting a House Public Safety Committee member , or your district representative to support SB1601. Deadline for this bill to be considered by the Public Safety Committee is April 10th.

April 9, 2014 - US Bike Route 66 Legislation

Senate Joint Resolution (SJR)13, directing the Department of Transportation(DOT) to submit an application to add Route 66 to the US Bicycle Route System, is before the House Tourism and International Relations Committee. Passed by the Senate in the 2013 session, it has languished before the Tourism Committee for the past year.  The resolution shows support by the Oklahoma legislature for Route 66 as a US Bike Route, but does not force DOT to apply for designation.  The Oklahoma Bicycling Coalition supports the bill as we support any efforts to enhance bike tourism in Oklahoma.  The Committee will meet on Wednesday, April 9th at 10:30am in Room 512A.  Please send letters of support to Committee members and your House Representative or consider attending.  

March 8, 2014 - Anti-Texting Legislation


Two versions of an anti-texting law, SB 442 and HB2540 are before the Oklahoma State Legislature.  Either one would make cycling safer on Oklahoma roads.  Please contact your Representative or Senator ASAP as both bills are being discussed on Monday, March 13th.  HB2540 is more definitive by including public transit drivers and commercial motor vehicle operators as well as private motor vehicle operators covered under the law.  It gives authority to use billing records as evidence of the offense.  It also can only be enforced as a secondary action subsequent to being detained for another suspected offense.  In other words, you can’t be stopped just because you are texting.   Sample letter follows:



Dear (insert your Senator’s or Representative’s name):

I am requesting your support for SB 442 or HB2540 regarding texting while operating a motor vehicle.  A recent analysis of accident statistics by the University of Nebraska has found cyclists’ deaths increased 30% from 2005 – 2010 due to distracted drivers.  The same study revealed that pedestrians ‘deaths increased by 50%. 

A 2006 University of Utah study concluded that talking on a cell phone while driving is as dangerous as driving drunk.  Texting is even worse as it requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention from the driver.   Sending or receiving a text takes a driver's eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, the equivalent-at 55 mph-of driving the length of an entire football field, blind.

Forty-two states plus the District of Columbia have banned texting while driving.  The governor of New Mexico signed a new anti-texting law on March 3rd.  It is time for the Oklahoma legislature to address this issue and pass legislation to protect our loved ones and ourselves.  Please support SB 442 or HB2540 in this legislative session.  There is no reason to let another year go by leaving our family and friends unprotected from distracted drivers. 


Try this link to find your representative:

And here is the link to find your Senator:


March 2, 2014 - Alternative Transportation Measures Before the House


Why should cyclists support passenger rail service, or multi-modal transportation?  As riders we are part of a larger transportation system that goes beyond personal motor vehicles and includes pedestrians, buses, and rail service.  Supporting alternate transportation initiatives can lead to better facilities for cyclists and pedestrians and open new riding opportunities in our communities and throughout the state now difficult to access by bicycle.  This sets a tone that bikes, pedestrians, passenger rail service, and buses should all be in the mix to meet Oklahoma’s future transportation needs. 

There are several alternative transportation bills in the State House you may want to follow and support. They have passed through their respective committees and are now headed to floor.   HB2896 - “Connect Oklahoma” would have the most direct benefit to bicyclists as it provides means for ODOT to provide grants and loans for multimodal transportation systems and facilities in small and large communities.  HB2897 – Prevents the sale of state owned rail without approval of the legislature.  This could prevent the sale of the Sooner Sub, the state-owned rail line between Sapulpa and Del City.  It seems that any rail line within the corridor between OKC and Tulsa should not be sold by ODOT prior to the completion of its current rail study.   HB2879 – Establishes a separate commission to oversee railways in Oklahoma, moving it out from under the Department of Transportation. Please contact Majority Floor Leader, Pam Peterson to request scheduling of the three bills for a vote, and most importantly contact your representative.    Attached is sample letter for your use or create your own. 


Representative xxx:

As a constituent of District xx, I am requesting your support for HB2897 – No Sale of State Owned Rail Without Consent of the Legislature, HB2896 – Connect Oklahoma, and HB2879 – Establishing the Oklahoma Railway Commission.  The Department of Transportation (DOT) does a fairly good job in maintaining state highways and roads, but appears to have little interest in other modes of transportation.  

I believe that there should be a mix of opportunities that include passenger rail, buses, pedestrians, bicyclists, and personal motor vehicles. All three bills further alternative transportation in Oklahoma, helping to meet future state transportation needs.  “Connect Oklahoma” benefits communities like xxx by providing grants or loans to enhance non-highway facilities. 

The Oklahoma Railway Commission would focus on passenger and freight rail as their only mission, rather than rail services being a step-child of DOT. 

Finally, HB 2897 provides legislative oversight to selling state owned rail lines.  The selling of the Sooner Subdivision rail line seems ill conceived, and poorly timed.  The Department of Transportation is conducting a multi-million dollar study of passenger rail service between Tulsa and Oklahoma City.  Why eliminate a viable alternative before the study has been completed?  Please support all three bills that benefit all citizens.


Try this link to find your representative:

And here is the link to find your Senator:

Feb 24, 2014 -

OKC City Council to vote on Sooner Sub Resolution Tuesday

Alternative Transportation Measures Before the House


On Tuesday, February 25, at 8:30 am, the OKC Council will be voting on two resolutions regarding the sale of the Sooner Subdivision, the rail line between Tulsa and OKC.  The two resolutions are different.  One is identical to resolutions passed by Tulsa, Sapulpa, and Bristow urging ODOT to retain the Sooner Sub Rail line.  The second acknowledges the sale, but urges ODOT to place a high priority on current and future passenger rail.  It seems that any rail line within the corridor between OKC and Tulsa should not be sold by ODOT prior to the completion of its current rail study.  The Sooner Sub costs the taxpayer no dollars, and in fact lease payments are being made to the state of Oklahoma.  So what’s the rush?  Voice your thoughts to your councilman.   

There are several alternative transportation bills introduced in the State House you may want to follow and support.  HB2896 - “Connect Oklahoma” would have the most direct benefit to bicyclists as it provides means for ODOT to provide grants and loans for multimodal transportation systems and facilities in small and large communities.  HB2897 – Prevents the sale of state owned rail without approval of the legislature.  This could affect the immediate sale of the “Sooner Sub.  Both bills are in the Appropriations and Budget Committee but have not been scheduled for a hearing.   Contact Chair Representative Scott Martin, to request scheduling of the two bills.   


 Jan 15, 2014

Bikes on Trains


Texas DOT announces public meetings in Oklahoma City and Texas for possible expanded passenger rail service

If you are interested in getting roll-on bicycle access on passenger rail service in Texas (hopefully with extensions into Oklahoma) you will want to attend an upcoming public meeting at the Metro Tech Center on January 29th.    This meeting hosted by Texas DOT is a continuation of public meetings held throughout Texas and Oklahoma last spring.  Texas DOT will showcase recommended alternative rail routes and services for further study.


Possible sale of state owned train tracks




Do you think we should sell the state owned 97.5-mile Sapulpa - Oklahoma City railroad property?  This is not just for its commuter rail potential, but to protect the interests of the Stillwater Central Railroad, a loyal, 15-year leaser of this railroad, and valued public private partner.  


Stillwater Central Railroad has restored a customer base the BNSF Railway had chased away prior to selling the line to the state in 1998.  The rail line and operator Stillwater Central Railroad have become essential economic partners in the state.  The Stillwater Central's willingness to allow passenger rail service proves their commitment to Oklahoma residents and visitors.


 It has been said from ODOT that even with a sale, the railroad will be open to passenger rail.  However the state will be forced to pay access fees as a leaser when today it is a landlord.  


Your opinion counts. Contact your elected representative to tell them how you feel.

Dec 19, 2013

Your opinion is requested for building a bike/pedestrian trail around Lake Arcadia near Edmond


the Edmond Bicycle Committee has asked cycling enthusiasts like yourself to consider submitting an email to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with your positive comments to help make a multipurpose trail around Lake Arcadia a reality.  Your email with specific comments can be sent to by December 30th.


You do not need to be a citizen of Edmond to provide comments, everyone's input is considered. When writing please be specific with the benefits or your expected outcomes.


The Edmond Bicycle Committee hopes that the flood of emails from all OBC members will tip the scale and help make this trail happen in the near future. 


Here is a great link that promotes the proposed trail.



Nov. 24, 2013

OBC Capitol Update 


I thought you might be interested in a meeting that was held at the capitol building. Bonnie Winslow, Tom Woodfin and Bill Elliott represented OBC. Also at the meeting were Pete Kramer from the Bike Summit, and Kate Brady and John Sharp from ACOG. We were there to meet with Representative Lewis Moore who is a proponent of bicycling in Oklahoma.


The ACOG folks brought us up to date on the recent availability of $2.8 million in federal funds that can be applied to match to local funds for bicycling and pedestrian initiatives. Local governments can apply for these matching funds in the next few weeks, with a June 2014 award date. Bike training projects such as “Safe Routes to Schools” is an example of one of the initiatives that could be advanced with these funds.


Another topic was the delays with ODOT in the submission of the U.S. Bike Route 66 application. You may be aware that OBC members were instrumental in completing the “heavy lifting” effort to get approvals from each jurisdiction along Rt. 66. All that is left is for a signature from ODOT and mailing the application. After waiting for several months for ODOT, we initiated the filing of a joint Senate/House resolution ( SRJ-13 ) last year to direct ODOT to complete the signature. That bill was approved by the Senate but was tabled by the House. Rep. Moore has made efforts to amend the 2012 house bill 2049 ( Naming Rt. 66 as the official Oklahoma Bike Route ) to include the direction to apply for U.S. Bike Route status.


The third topic of the day was identifying some type of council that would encompass many existing groups that have an interest in promoting bicycling in Oklahoma. The groups include bike clubs, bike shops, ODOT, COGs( regional council of governments ), City Planners, Tourism, Street design groups ( engineers and architects ), Health organizations and Health Insurance companies. This group would meet quarterly or semi-annually to develop initiatives, build working relationships and to eliminate road-blocks to advance bike/ped goals. It was discussed that the upcoming Bike Summit in January would be a good forum to see if such a group is feasible and effective.

Oct. 20, 2013

Mark your calendar - State House Meeting on Alternative Transportation Funding– November 14, 2013


On November 14, 2013 Representative Charlie Joyner, House Transportation Chairman and Representative Richard Morrissette, Oklahoma City District 92 will be conducting a day long, transportation focused Interim Study.  Both representatives are interested in passenger rail service in Oklahoma.  This study will bring to light many of the issues facing state transportation funding with emphasis on alternative transportation.   Mr. Coston, or a representative of Corridor Capital LLC, a passenger rail provider, will be presenting at this interim study.  Many of you are passionate about this subject.  Here’s an opportunity to hear what options are available and to show support for optional transportation services that include bike roll-on services.   It will explore improving Heartland Flyer service and potential Oklahoma City-Tulsa commuter rail service.  OBC is working with Evan Stair, Passenger Rail Oklahoma, to advocate for bike access. For more information on the State House study visit:  Click Here


Read Evan’s perspective on bike access and the Heartland Flyer at  Click here



Tuesday, 24 May 2011   Oklahoma City Council Approves Bicyclists Use Of Full Lane  Click 
KEN MCLEODLegal Specialist, Advocacy Advance




Alex Logemann

State + Local Policy Analyst


P.O. Box 2359 / Boulder, CO 80306

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