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To promote safe bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation statewide through advocacy and education
Home2021 Annual Meeting

BikeOklahoma Committees


  1. Government: New legislation, legislator relation building

  2. Administrative: Board member recruitment, Board member training, Executive Director feasibility study.

  3. Education: Bike Summit, Training classes, Quizzes, Bike Club for youth

  4. Promotion: Brochures or pamphlets on Bike Oklahoma, Social Media materials for posting BikeOklahoma’s mission and accomplishments, U.S. Bike Route, Rails to Trails, State Bike Map, T-Shirt Rides, Open Streets

  5. Representation: Membership, Coordination with members, cyclists, organizations, Bike Clubs, Bike Shops, Bike Friendly Business/University/Community 

Government Committee


Improve the effectiveness of the legislative advocacy efforts All items done annually

  1. Research for ideas of future legislative bills from other states, LAB, People for Bikes, 

             Date date: Aug. 1.

  1. Gather input of thoughts, wishes from stakeholders: ODOT Active Transportation Committee, ACOG, INCOG, OBS, TBC, Edmond, Stillwater, Norman and other community advisory boards. Due date: Sept. 1

  2. Meet with legislators with proposals. Due date: Nov. 1 

  3. Show appreciation to supportive legislators. Due date: Feb 1. 

  4. Identify bike caucus leadership and plan legislative strategy. Due date: Jan. 1

  5. Attend legislative day at State Capital  

  6. Set up a legislative bike ride. Due date: April 30. 

Administrative committee

  1. The Administrative committee works to identify, recruit and retain optimal board members: Note - the due dates are for the initial start, most items are ongoing.

    1. Document  the benefits of board membership. Due date: March 15

    2. Identify tactical skills needed. Due date: April 1

    3. Identify the diversity of the active transportation population. Due date: April 15

    4.  Search and recruit persons to fill those skills and diversity guidelines.. Due date: May 15

    5. Communicate benefits, expectations and attendance requirements when recruiting new members. Due date: May 15

    6. Define expectations of each board member’s contribution ( Time/$) Due date: May 15

    7. Administrative committee monitors progress of implementing this Strategic Plan with comments to the Executive committee.  Due date: Quarterly

2) Enhance board performance ( [Administrative committee] ) 

  1. Objective - Executive Director feasibility study. (Due date - April 1, 2021)

    1. Determine need and job description for hiring an ED 

    2. Establish a financial plan (beyond membership dues)  to fund hiring an ED. 

  2. Objective - Increase board member effectiveness. (Begin February 1, 2021; some activities will be ongoing)

    1. Develop program which includes an internal mentoring program and resources available  through Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits to train board members to enhance effectiveness. 

    2. Develop expectations for board members and communicate as part of board recruitment. 

    3. Amend Bylaws to include a requirement to attend a majority of meetings.

    4. Seek and use Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits resources to achieve objectives within this goal.

Build a closer organizational relationship with Oklahoma Bike Summit Inc. [Education and Administrative committee] 

  1. Objective:  Determine feasibility of BikeOklahoma and Bike Summit merger  Due Date December 31, 2021

I. Review partnership agreement with Summit.

ii. Itemize the common goals of each, differences, and benefits of merging. 

Iii. Determine legality of merger and if separate board requirements are needed. 

iv. Review the non-profit status of the two organizations. 

  1. Objective:  Communicate findings and determine the next course of action. Due Date: January 15, 2022 

I. Review findings with leadership of Oklahoma Bicycle Summit and Bike Oklahoma respective Boards.

Ii. Take action on the findings and will of the two Boards. 

Education committee

- Bike Summit
- Training classes: Traffic Skills 101, League Cycling Instructor, Bike Rodeo for kids
- Promote use of the Bike Safety Quizzes: Adult, Children, Motorist, Transit Driver,
- Promote Bike Club for youth

Build a closer organizational relationship with Oklahoma Bike Summit Inc. [Education and Administrative committee] 

  1. Objective:  Determine feasibility of BikeOklahoma and Bike Summit merger  Due Date December 31, 2021

I. Review partnership agreement with Summit.

ii. Itemize the common goals of each, differences, and benefits of merging. 

Iii. Determine legality of merger and if separate board requirements are needed. 

iv. Review the non-profit status of the two organizations. 

  1. Objective:  Communicate findings and determine the next course of action. Due Date: January 15, 2022 

I. Review findings with leadership of Oklahoma Bicycle Summit and Bike Oklahoma respective Boards.

Ii. Take action on the findings and will of the two Boards. 

Promotion committee

Brochures or pamphlets on Bike Oklahoma,
- Social Media materials for posting BikeOklahoma’s mission and accomplishments,
U.S. Bike Route,
Rails to Trails,
State Bike Map,
T-Shirt Rides,
Open Streets

Increase membership to build state cycling influence and to raise funds for future projects . [Representation - Membership sub-committee and Promotion Committee ] 

  1. Objective - Determine barriers to increased membership   Due Date - March 1, 2021: 

i) Measure effectiveness of emails to members and non-members.

ii) Conduct surveys  through Facebook or Instagram that addresses website usage and resistance to being a member. 

  1. Objective - Identify composition of membership  Due Date - April 1, 2021 :

i)  Identify groups that we want to capture as members, i.e. commuters, bike tourists. Target in membership drive. 

ii) Document the benefits of club membership, add new benefits and communicate to the public via the website and social media. Expand this to all member types not just individuals. Consider other bike advocacy groups on how they present their membership benefits.

  1. Objective - Recruit diverse members to enhance reach and significance. Due date: Ongoing

i) Develop an incentive program to boost membership.

ii) Set annual membership goals for each type of membership.

iii) Distribute BikeOklahoma info to bike shops.  Use Zoom meetings with bike shop owners, managers and or key employees. Regional meetings of local bike shops.

iv) In partnership with other committees and government entities, design and publish a BikeOklahoma state bike map. Put in bike shops and tourist rest stops.  Talk with Kansas DOT to see how they accomplished their map.  Due date: January, 2022

  1. Promote and publicize bicycle events at the local and state level.   Begin immediately and continue.

  1. Publicize state and regional t-shirt rides and use those rides to promote BikeOklahoma. Set up a booth when possible.

  2. Promote bike month activities, open streets events. Set up a booth when possible.

Representation committee

- Membership,
- Coordination with members, cyclists, organizations, Bike Clubs, Bike Shops,
- Bike Friendly Business/University/Community
- Assist communities in starting new Bicycle Advisory Committee

Increase membership to build state cycling influence and to raise funds for future projects . [Representation - Membership sub-committee and Promotion Committee ] 

  1. Objective - Determine barriers to increased membership   Due Date - March 1, 2021: 

i) Measure effectiveness of emails to members and non-members.

ii) Conduct surveys  through Facebook or Instagram that addresses website usage and resistance to being a member. 

  1. Objective - Identify composition of membership  Due Date - April 1, 2021 :

i)  Identify groups that we want to capture as members, i.e. commuters, bike tourists. Target in membership drive. 

ii) Document the benefits of club membership, add new benefits and communicate to the public via the website and social media. Expand this to all member types not just individuals. Consider other bike advocacy groups on how they present their membership benefits.

  1. Objective - Recruit diverse members to enhance reach and significance. Due date: Ongoing

i) Develop an incentive program to boost membership.

ii) Set annual membership goals for each type of membership.

iii) Distribute BikeOklahoma info to bike shops.  Use Zoom meetings with bike shop owners, managers and or key employees. Regional meetings of local bike shops.

iv) In partnership with other committees and government entities, design and publish a BikeOklahoma state bike map. Put in bike shops and tourist rest stops.  Talk with Kansas DOT to see how they accomplished their map.  Due date: January, 2022


Develop a working relationship with ODOT 

  1. Objective-Be effective in implementing safer riding conditions on state roadways (Begin February 28, 2021 and ongoing)

i) Ask Shelby Templin, Laura Chaney and Matthew Swift (Strategic Asset & Performance Management) plus Local Government Program Managers (Matt Van Auken, Lenae Clemens and Brandon Sims) for shared goal ideas February 28, 2021.

ii) Develop systematic review of  the ODOT 8 Year Plan, especially years 3 through 8,  by March 31 of each year to highlight opportunities for better infrastructure. 

iii) Meet annually at minimum with upper leadership at each of the 8 District offices to review opportunities for improvement on the 8 Year Plan. September 30, 2021

iv) Make ODOT Active Transportation Committee more effective through written goals and objectives submitted by our Executive Committee for consensus approval. March 31, 2021.

c) Work to increase representation of BikeOklahoma in local clubs.  Begin immediately.  

  1. Membership in bicycle clubs such as OBS, TBC to promote us to local bike clubs. Attend when possible. 

Assist communities in starting new Bicycle Advisory Committee

   Develop a "BAC in a Box" startup kit
   Identify, contact, and assist communities who would start up a new BAC

     Click HERE for more details

Committee Guidelines

BikeOKlahoma envisions a synchronized effort by all of our board members and committees to achieve our mission and goals based on the below best practices:

To help committees to be more effective and accountable in reaching BikeOklahoma goals and objectives, the following best practices are recommended: 

  1. Work as a team - have consensus and participation by all members.

  2. Look for “Best Practices” achieved by other similar organizations when planning activities.  

  3. Establish own activities (workload) based on the strategic plan or as directed by the Board. 

  4. Mentor other committee members.

  5. Ensure adequate funding for committee actions by submitting budget requests to the President and Treasurer by the beginning of each year. 

  6. Submit written reports to the Secretary and President three days before scheduled board meetings.  This assists the Secretary in preparing accurate meeting notes and alerts the President to any needed motions or additional time for committee discussion in the upcoming board meeting.    

  7. BikeOklahoma needs to communicate more openly with members and the public on our achievements, programs, and projects. Committee members will post articles, information, resources, accomplishments, and events to social media, website and emails to members.   Posting of articles and accomplishments gets our name associated with bike advocacy in Oklahoma, creating higher membership and influence.    

Bike Summit
Click here for info on
getting your
"Share the Road"
car tag.

Bikes on Trains 
Rails to Trails

2019 State Report Card 

2019 City

Ok Center for