Oklahoma Bicycle Summit - Who We Are
The Oklahoma Bicycle Summit's Purpose: The promotion and benefit of bicycling, delivery of programs for scientific, historic, educational, ecological, recreational, transportation, or tourism opportunities. To promote all forms of bicycling including but not limited to equal access to roadways, safety, education, and legislation.
Our Mission: To enhance Oklahoma’s culture of safety around bicycling and pedestrian envioronments through education, discourse, and training. Educational opportunities include hosting state biannual Summits and supporting bike safety classes.
Founded in 2013, the Oklahoma Bike Summit with BikeOklahoma has hosted six educational events throughout the state.
We're a non-profit 501c3 corporation with a member all volunteer board composed of:
Current board members are:
Bonnie Winslow, President
Bill Elliott, Treasurer
Vacant, Secretary
Tony Carfang
Max Harris
2023 Summit Planning Committee;
Bonnie Winslow, Guthrie
Bill Elliott, Okalhoma City
Max Harris, City of OKC Transportation Planner
Brandon Bundy. City of Midwest City Transportation Planner
Cynthia Gedra, Stillwater
Sharon Bennett, Stillwater
Portland Andrews, Oklahoma City
Tony Carfang, Oklahoma City
The Summit board is fortunate in having a broad skills set with a city planner, a former bike racer and daily bike commuter, and three experienced cycling advocates.
Oklahoma Bicycle Summit Bylaws