Paul L. Wojciechowski, AICP, LCI
Principal - Alta Planning + Design
Paul Wojciechowski is the Central Region Principal for Alta Planning + Design, a national leader in the planning and design of active transportation networks. He attended Missouri S&T, and is a transportation planner and engineer with 32 years of experience in planning and designing innovative transportation facilities, and integrating these facilities to function with adjacent land-uses. Paul has dedicated his career to public projects that enhance communities and regions, and has contributed ideas for development projects that achieve community goals, including award-winning projects such as the regional Gateway Bike Plan in St. Louis and the City of Woodson Terrace Comprehensive Plan.
His work as a consultant has included highway/street design, bikeway and pedestrian facility design, transit projects, land-use planning, program management, transportation planning, and utility relocation. In addition, he has served as a public official for the City of Clayton as Director of Public Works/City Engineer, and at the Missouri Department of Transportation. In his 17 years at MoDOT, Paul served in several positions that included the Transportation Planning Manager responsible for all transportation planning activities in the St. Louis Metro District and programming of state and federal funds.
Paul has been working across the Midwest and Texas over the last 5 years at Alta. He is licensed in eight (8) states, and a member of the Academy of Civil Engineers and Chi Epsilon at Missouri S&T. He is the President of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, Missouri Chapter and on the Historic Preservation Commission in Wildwood, Missouri. He is a trustee in his neighborhood of Westridge Oaks.